Há 12 anos inovando
o mercado
Conheça a história da maior Assistência Técnica de Equipamentos Hospitalares do Sul do Brasil.
Processes designed for equipment safety
After going through rigorous processes and an extensive checklist, the equipment is returned to the owners with a seal and a traceable certificate, facilitating subsequent maintenance.
Advantages of our customers
Technical support
With our expert technical support your problems will be quickly resolved.
The best deal
We will always have the most advantageous option for you.
Yes always.
We are Specialists
And this is stamped on our 15 years of existence. Stop.
You WILL NOT BE our customer.
Our business relationship goes much further: We will be partners, and that means mutual benefit.
We guarantee the perfect functioning of your equipment.
One of the largest companies in the medical hospital segment in Brazil.
It all starts on a Tuesday morning, on 07/07/2009, where Michel, CEO of Medicalblu, decides to start a new journey towards conquering the Medical and Hospital equipment market.
The best Technical Assistance to take care of your equipment
Transparent Maintenance
You know, in real time, which stage your equipment is in.
Cost benefit
We provide you with multiple options, with various price ranges, so you can make the best decision.
Fully Certified
Simply the ONLY one that meets ALL legal requirements for maintenance.
Pioneer in Innovation
Medicalblu does and competitors copy, simple as that.
See our customer reviews
A Medicalblu fori rápida e eficiente, e meu equipamento está funcionando perfeitamente. Muito obrigado!
Tratando de manutenção de equipamentos médicos não há outra empresa como a Medicalblu. Ela sempre me ajudou a resolver meus problemas com os equipamentos médicos que eu uso no meu consultório. Ela é muito competente e eu sempre recomendo a ela para todos os meus amigos e colegas.
A Medicalblu sempre está disponível para me ajudar com qualquer problema que eu possa ter e ela é sempre muito rápida em responder. Acho que ela é uma ótima assistência técnica e recomendaria a qualquer pessoa.
How to find Medicalblu
In addition to live chat, contact forms, you can also schedule a visit to our facilities.
Rua Ernesto Schadrack, 105. Água Verde. Blumenau-SC.
Seg-Sex 8:00-18:00